Double Trouble

Double Trouble
Having a fun ride in the laundry basket.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

When all else fails, use duct tape.

As many know, I have 2 little boys who like to take diapers off. When Jack was a baby (as I've written before) we had many a poop messes. Now Luke is at the stage where he doesn't want to wear a diaper, period. Sneaky kid thinks his parents are dumb! We didn't even mess around with "what to do" because we've been there and done it! So today, I'm going to make this blog about the different ways that were suggested and we've tried to keep a diaper on our crazy children:)

1. Put on a onesie. If you child is as creative and smart as my boys, they'll reach up underneath the bottom snaps, take off the diaper and keep the onesie fully intact! That's right ladies and gentlemen, I have 2 Baby Houdinis!

2. Put pants on the kid. Again, my boys are just too smart and independent for this one. They just take them off!

3. Put the diaper on backwards. Because todays diapers are contoured, this is a bad idea. It's rather difficult to change a toddler let alone have them lay on their belly and let you strap a new diaper to them!

4. Duct tape the tabs. This worked great for us for several weeks with both boys. However, they are little stinkers and figured out how to pull it off. With Jack we decided to combine #3 and #4 for a while and it worked for a bit. He figured out that you can just rip the sides and off comes the diaper. Maybe because that's the way we took them off. Monkey see, monkey do.

5. 360 degrees of duct tape. Now this is my favorite. Who doesn't like to put a ring of tape around their kid, making sure that it's not too tight or touches their skin. If that's not bad enough the dang tape will stick to itself. This does seem to be the most effective, yet a royal pain in the ass.

So if you see a little blonde headed boy running around with a duct taped diaper...he's mine! You may ask yourself, "Robin, why are you doing yet another poop post?" Well my dear readers, if you misplaced your duct tape for a day and had to change/clean crib not once but twice in one day I think you'd be rather pissed and need to vent. Not to mention all the times he took off his diaper in the living room. Last night, Luke took off his diaper and before I could reach him he peed in the diaper. He was standing up and peeing into his diaper laying on the floor! All I'll say is the boy needs to really work on his aim. We are sitting on the potty, but haven't had any results in the last week. But we will continue to try as long as he's willing to try. Oh little boys, the stories I'll have for you! Paybacks are, well, going to be fun for me:)


  1. You mentioned payback and it made me wonder, was it your or Zach that was a terror as a kid? I'm guessing Zach.
    I was a bit dramatic and clingy as a kid and sure enough I get a dramatic and a clingy kid. :0)

  2. Actually, Zach was supposed to be an angel child. I had my moments. I think it skipped a generation. My dad was always getting into trouble.
