Double Trouble

Double Trouble
Having a fun ride in the laundry basket.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cute, but trouble.

Little Luke has the kind of face it's hard to get mad at. He just has to look at you with those chocolate brown eyes and you melt. That being said, he's trouble. He's the brains of the operation and Jack is the heavy. The other day Jack had done something (I think bang on the table) and I told him not to. So I went about doing whatever I was doing and he started doing it again. When I looked up Luke was shaking his head "No, No, No". As soon as I pretended not to be paying attention Luke started chanting, "Jack Jack, Jack Jack" while rocking back and forth. So big brother wanted to make little brother giggle continued to get in trouble. Again when I said something and looked over, Luke was shaking his head.

Last night we were watching TV and the boys were playing having a good time. Luke started crying and I looked over and said, "Oh looks like Luke is stuck." Zachary, being the over-reactor that he is wanted to break the rocking chair because Luke went in there all crazy. I know if he got himself stuck, I could get him unstuck. He had flipped over the kid rocking chair, put his legs between the bottom supports and slid all the way down til his gourd couldn't fit through. He was wedged in there pretty good. It took me not even a minute to get him out and he doesn't even have a bruise.

Now comes to his biggest food. You would think that we don't feed the kid enough. Every time we don't lock the kitchen gate, I can find Luke over at Lilo's bowl munching on some dog food. This has been going on for months and he always has a mouthful of dog food. Poor Lilo has to share her wonderful Beneful Weight Control dry dog food with a 15 month old!!!!

It's fun to watch their daily amusements, but sometimes it can give you heart failure!

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