Double Trouble

Double Trouble
Having a fun ride in the laundry basket.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Where does the time go???

So I'm going to get a little sappy here, then I'll tell the funny stories. Last night after bathtime (directly after dinner thanks to Luke bathing in dirt cake) we went into Luke's room to play. We were in there for well over an hour playing trains, and other fun things. Then all of a sudden, I just looked, honestly looked at my boys. I couldn't believe how big they've gotten. Between Jack writing "Happy Birthday Papa" on a banner and Luke knocking on the doors of the Sesame Street characters before pushing the button to open the doors, I was in awe. It seems like yesterday I was in Hawaii, giving birth to Jack and now he's able to clearly carry on a full conversation with you. Luke is now starting to comprehend what you ask him to do and carry out tasks. I have to admit, my boys weren't babies for long. They were early crawlers and early walkers. Now Luke at almost 20 months old is very interested in the potty and can open up the baby gates. Thankfully, they love to cuddle and don't mind giving their Mama some hugs and kisses. I know it won't last forever, so I'm soaking it up while I can. Thanks for my ramble, it just really hit me last night and I took a picture in my mind of how cool it was that both Zach and I were on the floor playing with the boys. Now for the funny bits...

Zach and I have really tried to clean our mouths up. As two sailors, we used language like sailors and sadly, sometimes we slip. The other day Zach dropped the bacon out of the fridge and little Jack said, "Oh F*@K!". So we sat him down and had the conversation that it's a bad word sometimes adults use, but it should never come out of Jack's mouth again. If he hears an adult say it, they he is allowed to tell them that it's not a nice word. And if Jack ever said it again, he'd get his mouth washed out with soap...Mama has a stock of bars in her room. Thankfully that was this weekend and we haven't heard it again. Papa swears he said "fudge" but I'll let you be the judge:) That same day we were doing something in the living room, when another word just popped out of his mouth. He said, "S&!T". Zach and I both looked at each other and since this sometimes slips out of my mouth, I got the honors of repeating the above. We've tried really hard since we've had kids to watch our mouths, but sometimes it just slips. I know we're not the only influences, they here it while we're out, etc. But my sweet innocent little boy (insert sarcastic laugh) should not be saying these words. Oh these boys sure keep my on my toes!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The things that come out of their mouth!

I'm in total awe of how fast my boys are growing up. We sure do have our rough patches, but the incredible stuff is what makes life interesting. Some of the things that come out of Jack's mouth just make my head spin.

The other day, we were out watering the garden, and Jack called me a "big fat ugly ogre". Way to boost a girl's self esteem little boy! I've been thinking a lot lately about him going to school and how impressionable little girls are. I don't want my sons to be one of the mean little boys who may say something off hand, but it would truly effect how a little girl will look at herself. So I told him we don't say mean things like that to girls. We only tell them that "girls are pretty". Fast forward a couple of days and he had told me to shut up. Now he has been warned that we don't use that in our house, and if he said it again, he'd be taking a bite of soap. So I asked him what he said and he quickly answered, "Girls are pretty". Oh little boy, I hope you remember that.

Just yesterday while sitting in the van, we were talking about what he wants to be when he grows up. He told me, "A doctor, a daddy, a mommy...". I replied, "Jack, honey, you can't be a mommy because only girls can be mommies." He thought for a second and told me, "Well, I'll be the daddy and Brenna will be the mommy. Brenna and I will get married because you're supposed to marry your best friend." Oh Jack, I hope that this is true and you do marry your best girl friend. It makes life so much more fun!

I've been slacking on blogging, but I will try to pick it up. We've been really busy with Jack starting preschool, MOPS starting back up and me becoming an Usborne book consultant. Hopefully things will start to get a schedule soon.